Member-only story
BetterLife Techniques #2
Just you with you
No phone, no music, no computer, no TV, no other people, no eating, no drinking, no entertainment, no sports, no reading, no tasks.
Just you with you. No other distractions. In a quiet relaxed place. Preferably in nature.
If you do not spend time with yourself, how can you know and love yourself?
All cultures had initiation rites which involved time alone with yourself, maybe with psychedelics. You had to know yourself deeply to become adult.
Then in daily life, you often spent time with yourself. Humans lived in tribe. But we also spent quite time alone daily. Then we had no distractions, you were fully present.
Now we live among overwhelming distractions. More entertainment is produced in a second than you can consume in a life. You have an infinity of distraction in your pocket. And many very smart people are continuously working to distract you with their product. The interest of many companies is to grab a bit of your attention. Cumulatively they want many times more attention than you have to give.
Nobody is interested for you to pay attention to yourself. Except you.
It is boring to spend time with yourself. And unpleasant at first. But this is how you get to know yourself. You think you…