if (you want to understand yourself) then (read this)

Victor Rotariu
7 min readApr 5, 2022

The Simple Programming of the Mind

Illustration by me using Remarkable 2

Summary: Your mind is a collection of if then programming.

IF (this) THEN (that)

The if statement is famous in programming. It is rather simple: if (condition) then (action).

If the condition (this) is met then the action (that) is performed.

If (a = 8) then (write “success”) means, if variable a is 5 then the screen displays, “success”. If clauses are simple and intuitive.

In programming they are the foundation for the complex software running everything around us. But they run something much more important than your laptop, your smartphone, the bank software, the energy system or any other software.

If statements run your mind.

Actually, that’s not quite correct. Rather:

Your mind is a collection of if statements.

Behaviour, perception, cognition and your very model of the world and yourself are numerous nested, interweaving, if statements.


The human mind is mostly many clauses like this:

if (trigger + context + anticipatory dopamine) then (behaviour)



Victor Rotariu

Polymath. Curious. Writing a book on how to create an ideal life for our Paleolithic mind and body