Panic Overclocking Damage
We evolved Fight or Flight or Freeze (FFF) response to give us an edge in extreme danger situations. When there was a signal that he is in immediate danger, the unconscious Monkey of man in the wild activated and took an instant decision whether to Fight or Flight. Sometimes the signal is contradictory and the answer is Freeze.
This FFF response turbocharges your body: the adrenaline and other hormones activate immediate response systems and inhibit processes that are not immediately useful, like digestion. This makes you run faster and fight harder.
Like the nitro for a car or the overclocking of a computer, this turbocharge is meant to work on a very short period. Longer use leads to damages. It is like revving a car in the red for days on end or overclocking your computer for the whole year.
That is exactly what is happening in the modern world. We live in a safe world. But we have imagined dangers: from work, from chores, from interactions with an unnatural number of people, from expectations, from the complexity and uncertainty of modern life. This activates our monkey and puts us in FFF mode. The turbo charge leads to what we call stress harm. Our body and mind is exhausted from overclocking for imaginary dangers
Avantgarde Savage: we need to let go of this panic. It is our stone age monkey reacting erroneously to the modern world. So we train it to react differently.